Two Wheels of Awesome – Episode 49

On day three of Dobie Middle School’s Bike Club, six Dobie Middle School students and instructors Matt D. & Will Rogers III rode all the way to Graham Elementary School to play in the playground & swings. We learned how to play GaGa Ball while we were there. The competition and group play noticeably bonds the students together.

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These hard-working students earned basic badges like “Ride”, which is given when students can ride their bike without assistance from an instructor, “Basic Hand Signals” & “Ready Rider”. Students also took turns riding behind the lead instructor to help with scanning ahead for cars & to choose the quickest and safest route back to the school.

On the way back, we practiced descending a long hill by keeping the correct spacing between riders & avoiding obstacles like car doors, speed bumps and debris at higher speeds.

We look forward to more bike clubs with this great Middle School!

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