This year we have a new Bike Club at Metz Elementary.
The group of 4th and 5th graders were very excited to get started. They even formed up in a circle on their own, ready to learn.
With a “What do we do first class?” from Mr Jake and a “Put on our helmets!” response, we knew we had a good crew.
They were eager to learn the parts of the bikes and were very excited to have their own assigned bikes and helmets for the semester. This meant they could take responsibility for them and have pride in keeping them in good shape.
They were so good at the lessons we let them have some “free-ride” time for fun.
We are as excited as the students to have a new Bike Club at Metz Elementary, and look forward to a fun semester.
Students lined up and serious about learning some new bicycle skills!

All smiles during the spacing single file circle.