Two Wheels of Awesome – Episode 58

The Pecan Springs ES students stepped up to a big challenge today. They decided they were going to ride all the way to Mueller Lake Park, 3 miles away. They were excited to head off campus, knowing they had some work ahead of them and confident in their completing the task. They were able to make it in great time, crossing 51st Street and utilizing the great bike lanes in Mueller development. The students practiced riding in single and double lines to make it easier and quicker to cross bigger streets. They also helped each other by calling out cars and other obstacles. Upon arriving at the park, the students had a great time getting dizzy on the swings and playing tag at the playground. The students were able to earn their ABCD badges while having a fun day!!

Working hard to earn the ABCD badge.

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Headed out for the ride.

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Playgrounds and kids.. Gotta love it!

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