Two Wheels of Awesome – Episode 59

The Metz Bike Club has been working hard this semester. As a well earned reward, they got to ride to the Sustainable Foods Center teaching garden. After completing their ABCD checks, the students headed out to the Pedernales Cycle-track. They thought it was really cool that bikes had their own “street lane”. The cycle-track helps them to feel safe and even more comfortable as they ride. The class took the path into Boggy Creek Park and cruised under the shade of the trees while checking out all the birds and squirrels. After a good ride, they crossed Boggy Creek and came up in the teaching gardens. They were very impressed with the exhibits and the opportunities to see bees in action and all the different plants growing in the area. They especially enjoyed playing tunes on the big drums and cymbals made from reclaimed materials. Everyone wanted to stay longer but were happy to jump on the bikes for the return trip. Riding bikes to fun places, that’s what it is about.

Quick stop for water along the Boggy Creek Park trail.


Chillin’ at the SFC teaching gardens.


Exploring the exhibits.



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