Women.Design.Build Bike Maintenance ShopTalk #2

This was our second Bike Maintenance ShopTalk in partnership with Women.Design.Build and it expanded on the overview provided during ShopTalk #1 to provide hands on instruction of new new skills and techniques for keeping you running strong. We had free coffee from Texas Coffee Traders and we were hosted by the Yellow Bike Project, a volunteer run community bike shop and recyclery. We covered topics including but not limited to dealing with flat tires, brake functionality and brake pad wear, chain care, basic road safety and much more! We even stayed an extra hour with 2/3s of the class who wanted to take it a step further and learn about how the front and rear derailers work and how to properly adjust them for a smooth running drive-train.

Participants went home with new knowledge, confidence on doing their own basic repairs, print material covering the topics taught in class, Pedros tire levers, a patch kit, a City of Austin bike map, KIND bars and front and rear lights for their bikes.

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